June 2023
I’ve done a little guest spot on the Wait, You Haven’t Seen? podcast with TV’s Travis. As it turns out, I somehow missed the 1993 classic film The Fugitive starring Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones, so we rectified that mistake and talked about the movie. It was a lot of fun, so check it out!
January 2021
My short story, “The Library”, won this month’s contest (January 2021 issue) over at the Pulp Factory E-Zine! It’s available for free right now, so go check it out (along with the other fantastic stories they’ve put out).
April 2020
I’m getting published! My very first horror short story, “A Hunting We Will Go” will be available in Descent into Darkness #7 (RAIN 323) from Rainfall Publishing in the very near future. Check it out, why don’t you!
August 7, 2018
More huge news! I’ll be announcing it on the show this week, but I officially got the nod, so I’m getting it out there. Myths Your Teachers Hated is going to DragonCon this year! I’ll be hosting a panel on Mythology in Popular Culture on Monday at 11:30am in Galleria 6 as part of the Podcasting Track. I’m looking forward to seeing people there (and as always, I’m going to have cards and stickers for anyone who shows up as bribes). If there are any further updates, I’ll announce them as they come up.
July 14, 2018
Huge news! As I’ve already mentioned in the show, we’re going to be at Atlanta Comic Con this year! I’ll be hosting a panel on Mythology in Popular Culture on Sunday at 10 am in Room C107. Any updates will be on the Comic Con app or on the website, but I don’t expect there to be any more changes. I hope to see you there. I’ve got some new cards and stickers as swag for anyone who shows up, so consider yourselves duly bribed.
June 8, 2017
Since clearly a podcast focusing on ancient stories needs to be on the cutting edge of technology, we’ve made the jump to YouTube! I didn’t know that was a thing, but apparently it’s a thing. You can check out our channel on YouTube as of now.
April 24, 2017
We’re going to be starting a new three-episode series next week called Disney Lied to Me. In it, we’ll be covering the surprisingly brutal stories behind some of your favorite Disney musicals. First up, is the origin story of the Polynesian god, Maui, inspiration for the new Disney musical Moana.
October 2, 2016
Episode 1B, Pandora’s Vagina, is live on the Episodes page, and can also be found on our iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn pages. This is the second of a two-part episode telling the story of the ancient Greek creation myth. In it, I’ll be telling the story of the creation of man, the incredibly sexist story of the creation of woman, and multiple extinction level hissy fits. After that, I’ll be moving on from the greeks for a while to hit some other cultures. In the Gods and Monsters, segment, we’ll meet Empousa, a blood sucking precursor to the modern vampire with a weird prosthetic leg.
September 26, 2016
Episode 1A, Gods Make Shitty Dads, is live on the Episodes page, and can also be found on our iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn pages. This is the first of a two-part episode telling the story of the ancient Greek creation myth. In it, I’ll tell you about children being eaten alive, children being shoved back inside their mothers, and children killing their fathers because you can’t make a good universe with mutilating a few family members. In the Gods and Monsters segment, we’ll dive into the history of Morpheus, the King of Dreams.
September 25, 2016
About MYTH
I’ve loved mythology ever since I found a dog-eared copy of of Edith Hamilton’s Mythology when I was eight. The adults thought it was educational, so I got to keep it and read it. The stories were full of violence, perverted sex acts, and other topics utterly inappropriate for a kid. I loved every word of it.
I read every book on the subject I could get my hands on. I watched the old Clash of the Titans movie, I went to listen to speakers tell the old Anansi stories, and I even watched Hercules and Xena. I devoured mythology.
When my wife and I went to Rome a few years ago, I got to play tour guide to all of the sites I had always read about. While we wandered, I told her the stories I loved in the vulgar and informal style I always felt suited the subject matter, and she loved them too.
Recently, I was watching tv with her and somehow, I’m not sure exactly how, the subject of the Titan Cronus came up. She hadn’t heard the story before, so I told it. She laughed and said that if they had told the stories this way in school, she might have actually paid attention. That was the inspiration for Myths Your Teacher Hated. I’m glad to have the chance to share the stories; maybe you’ll love them as much as I do.